Group Coaching and “Team Experiences”
Rediscover your inner team strengths
Group Coaching
Group Coaching is a highly effective coaching technique. The coach works with people in groups to improve their health, well-being, personal skills, self-efficacy, leadership skills to build on a sustainable and remarkable team spirit.
In addition to cost savings, Group Coaching has many benefits, including strengthening team bonds and improving the awareness of decisions made in a teamwork structure.
It can offer:
Enhancing common “wisdom” and knowledge of the team
Establishment of common goals through a structured, step-by-step process.
Better time and project management within the team
Improved crisis management, resolution, resilience and increased empathy and emotional intelligence
Strengthening of trust, mutual support, and establishing best practices in the daily work operations of each group
Development of leadership skills and improved organisational perception
Enhancing cooperation and “breaking” the so-called silo phenomena
Above all, working with me, by using a specific methodology, you will be able to discover a different way of working in a practical, human-centred way, which overall will help every one of you holistically, both personally and in your community.
"Team Experiences"
We usually refer to our corporate environments as “families” and tend to state that "our people are our most valuable assets". As praising as the above may sound, I would like to point out a contradiction:
What does it mean for our business and culture when our people are characterised as “assets” in our corporate vocabulary?
What does it mean when we politely refer to our colleagues as "family?" Even the best families can have problems, and some of our employees may not even like the idea!
You can work with me to identify your group challenges. After all, isn’t managing teams a communication challenge?
In cooperation with a whole team of experienced external partners in the HR field, I support you and your team members to bring to the fore the best you have, using your resources, your challenges, and successes as development accelerators.
Indicatively I offer:
Facilitating sessions (virtually or live)
Development of the mission, vision and purpose of the executive team
Discovering, mapping, and applying organisation values for every business hierarchy level
Preparing standard rules, codes of cooperation and best practices within the operations of your leadership team
Guiding and supporting any team in times of organisational change, crisis and transition
Leadership or other team training (virtually or live in small groups)
Communication issues
Basic principles of Management
Giving and receiving constructive feedback
Team Bonding & Facilitating using methods from the performing arts
Effective presentations, positive influence and power
"If you want to go fast, go alone.
"If you want to go far, go together."
African proverb